
Sad News...

A very dear friend of mine delivered a baby girl last night at only 21 weeks. The baby's brain did not develop and she was born sleeping.

Baby girl was to join her 3 older brothers this fall and was very much loved.

Please keep them all in your thoughts and hug your loved ones a little tighter today....

Mother's Day.....

I hated this day for a loooong time. I dreaded it, just like any other holiday that reminded me that I didn't have children to share it with. But, thankfully I have gotten over those feelings for myself. I am fortunate enough to now have 2 little ones to share it with - and believe me, I truly know how lucky I am.

My heart does break for all of my friends who do not have their babies to celebrate with though. Over the past 2 years infertility has become more common among those I love. I have so many friends and family members that are struggling in some way (whether through IVF or waiting for their baby to join them through adoption) and I know that this is just another difficult day to be reminded of. For all of you - you are in my thoughts and know that I pray each night that you will find the baby that is meant to be yours!


Lilli and Alec spoiled their mom this year..........I received a gift certificate for a massage and facial - and you better believe that I need it! The little ones are away until Friday - they are staying with my brother, SIL, and 3 nieces, because our sitter is away. It is also B's birthday today so we are going to enjoy dinner and drinks ALONE!!! Now don't get me wrong, I love nuggets, fighting with Lilli to come inside, and poopy diapers as much as the next person - but having time to ourselves is just what the doctor has ordered!

Lilli is finally feeling better, but the terrible 2's are approaching with a vengeance! I'm thinking we should have named her from the Exorcist.


Bad week........

Poor Lilli had a virus last week, which translates to "my whole house was covered in puke and poop."

I felt so sorry for her. She had never thrown up before, so had no idea what was going on. I also felt sorry for me because I lost my beloved featherbed during the pukestorm.

By Friday she was so dehydrated that we ended up in the ER for fluids and sugar. IV in a 22 month old is enough to break your heart. She kept saying "me done, home now." We tried to keep her distracted as best we could, and I'm sure the nurses didn't appreciate her marker artwork all over the sheets and pillow cases - but it worked for a bit.

I have no idea how parents of seriously ill children do it, how strong and brave you must be.

We also had to fire our sitter. Long story, but chick went crazy and insulted yours truly. I was in a panic to find a sitter for the next 5 weeks (yay - summer is almost here!!). It was daunting, but thankfully we found someone who is perfect and Lilli has not scared her away yet (she has officially been at our house for 1.5 hours and has not called yet - fingers crossed!) Thankfully Alec is a laid back, California kid and just goes with the flow!

I am hoping this week is better..........