
Mike Tyson.......

So Lilli fell and broke her front teeth at the park..................toothless is not a good look for a little girl..........



Generally, that is what it is like around here. I'm back to work - which isn't too bad. It is bad, however, that I don't get to stay in my pj's until mid-afternoon. This showering/making myself look presentable thing is brutal!

B and I are on a very good morning schedule though........Alec wakes up at 5 am (ouch!) and B gets up with him. They are out the door to Mom-Mom's by 6:30.

Lilli is up around the time they leave, so I get myself and her ready, breakfast and coffee together (coffee for me - not her - lol!) and we are out the door by 7:15. It is alot to do first thing in the morning!

I also run a program after school 2 days a week, which keeps me at school until 5:30. Thankfully on those nights, Mom-Mom cooks dinner! On top of that, I squeeze in 3 tutoring sessions for a few students at is very hard to keep track of.

The laundry is a mile high, the dust bunnies are bigger than the baby, and I am exhausted as usual!


Back to work I go............

So I have been on maternity leave for almost 4 months now, and I go back to teaching on the 6th. I have mixed feeling about it...............

I absolutely loved having time to bond with Alec, and I am so fortunate that I had that much time off. However, the SAHM thing just isn't for me. It is such a tough job, and I admire those who can do it! Ideally, I would love to work part-time, so that I can be home with the kids more - but that is not an option. But I do have my summer off, along with holiday breaks - so I really don't have it to bad!

Lilli has been going to the sitter 3 days a week while I have been home, because we wanted to keep her on a schedule (plus she loves going to "school"!) She will go back full-time when I start back.

Alec is going to be spending his days with Mom-Mom until the summer. Then it is off to the shore we go!

Only a few more weeks until spring break..........(is it bad to think that way??)


The H family..........what a pleasure!

This family was so sweet! They were such a pleaure to work with and "C" and "M" were so well behaved! I am going to be taking engagement pictures for their aunt soon - yay!!


Baby "G".....precious!

This is "G", and the G could possibly stand for gorgeous! She was such a sweetheart, and is going to be a knock-out! Good thing her big brother "D" will be around......